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Explanation of GP, Rebirths and how Great People work

From CivIdle Wiki

Explanation of GP, Rebirths and how Great People work is one of the Guides for CivIdle.

In a run you get TWO (stacking) sets of bonuses from Great People: [current great people] + [permanent great people]. Rebirth will convert all current GPs into permanent GPs. If you have a GP as a permanent AND then take them as a current GP in following runs, their effects stack together.

GPs after the first that go into this permanent pool will contribute towards levelups (more and more are needed per level). Additionally, you can get random choices of extra permanent GPs if you rebirth after hitting Empire Value (EV) thresholds. This is NOT necessary to rebirth. 64 Million is the first threshold, 512M is the second, GP^3 * 64M is the formula.

Extra notes:

  • You get 1 GP upon entering a new age, from each age before. You choose 1 of 3 random from that age (some ages only have 3, so it's not really random)
  • When you get extra GP, the 3 choices are completely randomized from current age +1

by @Krydax

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